Department of Islamic Studies
EN ع

The role of the Noble Qur’an - men - in correctional institutions

There are currently seven centers for the role of the Noble Qur’an in correctional institutions, which are: -

First: Al-Rashad Main Center for Men "Masai":

It is for students from among the inmates of the Central Prison, and the number of students in it is nearly 100, and they study the curriculum prescribed in the role of the Holy Quran.

Second: Al-Rashad Men's Center "Sabahi":

It is special for students who are convicted of drug cases, and includes 250 students, and they study the curriculum prescribed in the role of the Noble Qur’an.

Third: Rehabilitation treatment center for addicts:

Where a legal course is held for them for a period of eight months, and they are required to study in it, so that they are legally and psychologically qualified, to follow in the footsteps of a good citizen, and after successfully passing the course they qualify for an Amiri pardon, and this center currently includes 150 students.

Fourth: Al-Rushd Sharia Center:

It is for juvenile boys who have been placed by the Juvenile Prosecutor's Office in social care homes for a period ranging from six months to a year, in order to test them in their discipline of behavior during the placement period. The prosecution office for each student about the behavioral and moral status and the extent of his response to and passing the legal study, and the center currently has 50 students.

Fifth: Aftercare Center for Repentants:

It is dedicated to following up on penitent prisoners released by the Amiri pardon in drug abuse cases, in cooperation with the Ministry of the Interior represented by the General Administration of Correctional Institutions, and the center follows up on them in terms of: -

Holding cultural lectures.

Follow up on their studies in the role of the Noble Qur’an, as they have been distributed to centers of the role of the Qur’an in various regions, according to their places of residence, and to prepare periodic reports on them.

Examining social cases, helping in solving family and financial problems, and following up on the released persons behaviorally, socially and intellectually.

Organizing trips to perform Umrah every three months for one of them

Organizing trips to perform Hajj rituals for those who are regular in study, behavior and programs.

Organizing sports courses, cultural competitions, weekly trips and spring camps.

The center currently houses 150 penitents.

This center requires special support to fulfill its mission to the fullest, as it needs an integrated administrative system to follow up.
And the establishment of psychological rehabilitation courses and vocational training courses such as "carpentry - mechanics - blacksmithing _ etc.) in cooperation with one of the competent authorities, and courses in the computer.

Sixth: Al-Hidaya Center in the Public Prison - Talha

The center was established in 1997 AD, to play its role in guiding inmates, educating them legally, and assisting them in memorizing the Noble Qur’an and learning the rules of intonation.
The center performs its mission by holding Sharia courses in various sciences such as jurisprudence, hadith, doctrine, interpretation, and intonation.

The students at the center are among those sentenced to checks issues and those against whom sentences have been issued, with varying and short periods of time, and most of the inmates are Kuwaitis.
The number of students is currently 60, as the center cannot accommodate more than this number.

Seventh: The Dar Al Qur'an Center in the Juvenile Prison "Al-Calendar"

The Center of the Noble Qur'an House in the Juvenile Prison "Al-Calendar" was established in the year 2000 AD, to contribute to the care of a group of juvenile delinquents, who spend varying periods of punishment, ranging from a month to ten years, according to the crime "murder - theft - kidnapping - indecent assault." Currently there are about thirty young people.

The Center organizes for them courses in some Sharia sciences, courses in memorizing the Noble Qur’an, and learning to recite it, in addition to some lectures and religious lessons, with the aim of evaluating behavior and reforming souls, noting that this delinquent group does not have the desire to study at all, so they need special care.

وزارة الاوقاف و الشؤون الاسلامية - إدارة الدراسات الإسلامية